Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

First, choose the resort you want to check in

Resort Fundata Resort
Resort Moieciu Resort
Next step: Choose an accomodation unit

Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Plan your vacation at

Cheile Grădiștei

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Beginner and intermediate slopes 

The first slope in Fundata has a 267 meters length, a 64 meter level difference, a 40 meter and a 25% steepness. Difficulty: medium. The second slope in Fundata has a 450 meters length, difficulty: easy. Both slopes are equipped with a ski lift and artificial snow installations. 

The slope in Moieciu has a 570 meters length, a 57 meter level difference, a 50 meter and a 20% steepness.  Equipped with a ski lift and artificial snow installations. Difficulty: medium.

Our two stores offer for rental both ski and snowboard equipment, as well as sleights.

Rental fees for ski and snowboard equipment

Ski equipment - adult70RON/daySki equipment - child60RON/daySnowboard - adult/child70RON/daySleighs50RON/day

Adult fees ski, snowboard

5 points60RON10 points90RON20 points140RON40 points240RON

* 1 point represents 1 climb

Child fees ski, snowboard

5 points50RON10 points80RON20 points120RON40 points200RON

* 1 point represents 1 climb

Tubing fees

1 turn15RON3 turns40RON5 turns50RON

You can see our offer for ski monitors here.


Reservations for ski/snowboard monitors: 0721268211



Olympic ice rink

The new Olympic ice rink awaits you right next to the ski slope in the Fundata complex and next to the new SPA center

What we offer:

  • Olympic size ice rink – ideal for recreational skating and training.
  • Skate rental – for all ages and sizes.
  • Quick access to the SPA center for complete relaxation after skating.
  • Spectacular mountain scenery that completes the perfect winter atmosphere!

Ice rink rates

Child access with own skates30RON/90 minAdult access with own skates40RON/90 minChild access with skates included50RON/90 minAdult access with skates included70RON/90 min


Skating program

  • Monday - Thursday - closed
  • Friday - Sunday 10:00-19:30


Equipment Rental Center: 0732.500.481

The operating schedule of the ski slopes:

Fundata: Daily between  10:00 - 16:00


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